Apropos of nothing, I wrote a very simple Chrome extension (and a Firefox add-on) that replaces references to the Short-Fingered Vulgarian with any of several other aliases. The initial “seed” for the list came from Jezebel, which published a list of 70 such names for the Cheeto-Faced Ferret’s 70th birthday.
Over the years since I did this, I have taken pains to make this plugin more and more configurable. Most of the insults are loaded from a configuration file you can edit, and a bunch of options are available in the drop-down plugin options. If you want to see the (very simple) code, check it out here on Github. I’ll take pull requests. [Edit 7/6: have now done this and the link above points to the new version. Original version still available here.]
I have added new insults as I’ve come across them (feel free to provide more). Considering that I started this project in summer 2016 and it is now fall 2019, it’s amazing that I still come across new good ones. But I guess we can thank Mango Mussolini for that.
PS — A few people have noted that the plugin doesn’t run on this or that website. Note that by default it does not run on all websites. In the configuration menu you will see that you can set it to “blacklist” mode or “whitelist” mode, and then specify a list of sites to exclude, or include, respectively. The default is a whitelist of major news sites.
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